FAQ for hosts

The Transport General Authority states that for any host intending to list their personal vehicle on a car sharing platform, they must have comprehensive insurance.

This clause is needed in your comprehensive insurance policy, so that your vehicle is covered when it is being rented to guests. Check your insurance company’s specific policy and terms regarding this clause.

You can also purchase insurance through our app. We’ve partnered with Allianz to provide you with all the coverage you could need to list your car and put your mind at ease.

Please refer to our cancelation policy for more details.

As of now, the Transport General Authority doesn’t allow hosts to list more than one car at a time. However, with time, we believe this will change, and once it does, we’ll update all of you, so that you can get that entrepreneurial spirit going!

As of now, the Transport General Authority doesn’t allow residents to list their vehicles on car sharing apps. If the rules get updated, we’ll be the first to let you know!

FAQ for guests

Guests must be at least 21 years of age in order to rent vehicles from our hosts.

Vehicles have to be returned with at least the same amount of fuel as when received from the host, using the specific fuel type for the vehicle. Please refer to our additional policies section for more details.

Yes. We recommend you check our additional policies section for more details.

You can make requests to shorten or lengthen your trip through the app, but those requests have to be approved by the host in order to be valid. Please refer to our additional policies section for more details.

Please refer to our cancelation policy for more details.

Here you go!