Cancellation Policy

Last revised: October 7, 2021

Guest cancellation

Guests may cancel their trip through our site or mobile app, and the cancellation is effective immediately. Whether the guest received a full refund, a partial refund, or receives no refund depends on the circumstances. The total amount refunded will depend on when the guest cancels the trip, the length of the trip, and the trip type. The cancellation period is based on the vehicle’s time zone.

Full refund: Free cancellation period and cancellation for cleaning/disinfection concerns

Free cancellation period

Booking Time Free Cancelation Period
25 hours or more before trip start Until 24 hours before trip start
Less than 25 hours before trip start 1 hour after booking

Guests may cancel free of charge up to 24 hours before their trip starts. Guests who book within 24 hours of their trip have one hour after booking to cancel for free. If a guest wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify their host as soon as possible via ROWW messaging and to process the cancellation themselves through the ROWW website or app. See instructions for how to cancel a trip.

Trip modifications

If a guest requests a trip modification and the host accepts, that modification does not reset the free cancellation period for the trip. It remains tied to the original booking time.

Cancellation for cleaning/disinfection concerns

Guests may cancel free of charge and receive a full refund if, upon inspecting the vehicle at trip start, they have concerns that it hasn't been cleaned and disinfected. Guests are only eligible for a full refund if they: do not accept the vehicle, do not check in for the trip, and immediately contact Customer Support to report the issue. Guests in ROWW Swift cars are only eligible for a full refund if they: do not complete trip check-in and contact customer support no more than 2 hours after the scheduled trip start.

Partial refund: Cancellations outside the free period and guest no-shows

Cancellations outside the free period

If a guest wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify the host via ROWW messaging as soon as possible and to process the cancellation themselves through the ROWW website or app. We’ll issue a partial refund to guests who cancel in this manner and do not fall within the free cancellation period. For canceled trips that are longer than two days, we’ll refund the guest their full amount minus one day's trip cost. For canceled trips that are two days or shorter, we’ll refund the guest their full amount minus 50% of one day's trip cost. Trip cost includes the trip price and trip fee. We always refund the guest the cost of their protection plan as well as the full amount paid for any Extras, young driver fee (if applied), and half of the delivery fee.

More than 2 days Full amount refunded minus 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee
2 days or less Full amount refunded minus 50% of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee

Guest no-show

If a guest fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time, it's a guest no-show. If a guest has booked a trip in a ROWW Swift car, has not canceled their trip, and does not show up for 12 hours after the trip’s scheduled start time, it’s a guest no-show. A guest who shows up to a trip with no license, with an invalid license, or who sends their additional driver in their place is also a guest no-show. ROWW or the host will cancel guest no-show trips, and we’ll issue the guest a partial refund. For no-show trips that are longer than two days, we’ll refund the guest their full amount minus two days' average trip cost. For no-show trips that are two days or shorter, we’ll refund the guest their full amount minus 75% of one day's trip cost. Trip cost includes the trip price and trip fee. We always refund the guest the cost of their protection plan as well as the full amount paid for any Extras, young driver fee (if applied), and half of the delivery fee.

More than 2 days Full amount refunded minus 2 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee
2 days or less Full amount refunded minus 75% of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee


Exceptions to the guest refund amounts for cancellations outside the free period and for no-shows may apply in the event of a flight delay, flight cancellation, lost baggage issue (see below), safety issues tied to vehicle cleanliness, or other extenuating circumstances.

No refund: Early returns

Early returns

There are no credits/refunds issued for early returns except when the guest has submitted a trip modification request to shorten their trip and the host has accepted through theROWW website or app, as defined inROWW Terms of service.

Guest trips canceled by host, host no-shows, and trips canceled byROWW

Guest trips canceled by host and host no-shows

On occasion, a host might cancel a guest’s trip or fail to show up at trip start. If a host cancels a guest’s trip or has not canceled and doesn’t show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time, it’s a host no-show, and the guest will receive a full refund. Funds from the canceled or no-show trip will be available for 24 hours after the cancellation to be used to rebook a trip. After 24 hours, we’ll automatically issue a full refund. Guests who don’t want to rebook and don’t want to wait 24 hours forROWW to issue a refund can follow the instructions in the cancellation email to initiate their refund.

Trips canceled byROWW

In some cases,ROWW’s trust and safety team will cancel a guest’s booked trip. If that were to happen,ROWW will contact the guest and host, and the guest will receive a full refund.

Guest trips impacted by flight delays, flight cancellations, or lost baggage

Flight delays or flight cancellations

If a guest’s flight is delayed or canceled, they must message their host to tell them and to request a trip modification for a new start time. If the host cannot or does not accommodate a new start time and the trip must be canceled, ROWW will issue the guest a full refund if they've message their host and provided documentation. Specifically, guests must notify the host of the flight delay or cancellation at least one hour before the scheduled ROWW trip start time. They must provide documentation, such as a screenshot from the airline mobile app or website, which shows the flight issue. The guest must notify ROWW of a flight delay or cancellation within at least 24 hours of the trip’s scheduled start time to be eligible to benefit from this cancellation policy. If the guest’s flight is canceled/delayed more than three days in advance of the trip start time, this policy does not apply.

Lost baggage delays

If the guest experiences a lost baggage delay,ROWW will issue the guest a full refund if they’ve messaged their host and provided documentation. Specifically, they must notify their host no later 30 minutes after the scheduled trip start time, notifyROWW of the lost baggage delay within 24 hours, and provide photo evidence of a baggage issue.

Host cancellation

If a host wants to cancel a booked trip, we encourage them to notify the guest via ROWW messaging as soon as possible. Then they must process the cancellation through theROWW website or app. The cancellation is effective immediately, and the guest receives a complete refund. See instructions for how to cancel a trip with a guest.

Host cancellation and host no-shows

Host cancellations

Hosts will be subject to a 175 SAR fee if they cancel a trip less than 24 hours before the start of the trip. If they cancel more than 24 hours before the start of the trip, the fee is 100 SAR. After each canceled trip, hosts receive an automated review on their vehicle listing. It mentions the cancellation and how far in advance they canceled the trip. We waive the host fee and review if the guest rebooks a new trip with the same host within 24 hours of the cancellation. Hosts who repeatedly cancel trips may be subject to additional penalties, including removal from the marketplace.

All-Star Hosts

If you're an All-Star Host at the time of cancellation, we'll waive the cancellation fee. Hosts will still receive an automated cancellation review on their public profile but can respond to the review to explain why the cancellation was necessary. Cancellations will still impact host performance metrics, so frequent cancellations could result in loss of All-Star status.

Host no-shows

If a host fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time, it's a host no-show. Hosts who fail to show up for a trip are subject to a 500 SAR fee.

Host trips canceled by guests, guest no-shows, and trips canceled byROWW

Trips canceled by guests outside the free cancellation period

More than 2 days Host's share of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee
2 days or less Host's share of 50% of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee

Extras, protection plan, half of any delivery fee, and young driver fee costs (if applied) are always refunded if the guest fails to show up for the trip.

Guest no-shows

More than 2 days Host's share of 2 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee
2 days or less Host's share of 75% of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee

Extras, protection plan, half of any delivery fee, and young driver fee costs (if applied) are always refunded if the guest fails to show up for the trip.

If a guest fails to cancel and doesn't show up for the trip within 30 minutes of the trip's scheduled start time, it’s a guest no-show. If a guest has booked a trip in a ROWW Swift car, has not canceled their trip, and doesn't show up for 12 hours after the trip’s scheduled start time, it’s a guest no-show. A guest who shows up to a trip with no license, with an invalid license, or who sends their additional driver in their place is also a guest no-show.


Hosts must report all no-shows within 72 hours of the trip start. If a guest tells us that they didn't show up and you didn't report the no-show to us, we won't issue you earnings for that trip. We may also charge a fine.


Exceptions to the host earnings amounts for trips cancelled outside the free period and guest no-shows may apply in the event of a flight delay or flight cancellation (see below), safety issues tied to vehicle cleanliness, or other extenuating circumstances.

Trips canceled by ROWW

More than 2 days Host's share of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee
2 days or less Host's share of 50% of 1 day’s average trip cost + 50% of any delivery fee

Protection plan costs, half of any delivery fee, and any Extras or young driver fee costs (if applied) are always refunded.

WhenROWW must cancel a trip less than 24 hours before trip start due to a guest verification issue, the host will be paid in line with the terms of the table above. If theROWW cancellation is made more than 24 hours before the trip start or within one hour of booking for trips that were booked less than 25 hours before trip start, the host will not be eligible for earnings.

Host trips impacted by guest flight delay, flight cancellation, or lost baggage.

If a guest’s flight is delayed or canceled or they experience a lost baggage delay, they must message their host to inform them and to request a trip modification for a new start time. We expect the host to make a good-faith effort to accommodate a new trip start time. The host must document their attempt to accommodate a new trip start time inROWW messaging. If the host cannot or does not accommodate a new start time and the trip must be canceled, the host will not receive any host earnings for the trip. In the event the host makes a good faith attempt to reschedule the trip, but both guest and host are unable to agree on a satisfactory trip modification and the trip must be canceled,ROWW will pay the host earnings as though it were a guest no-show. (See table above.)