Additional Policies

Last revised: October 7, 2021

What do I do if my guest is running late?

ROWW notifies guests to submit a trip extension if they’re running late. We expect you to encourage guests to extend. Make a good faith effort to accommodate extension requests. Don’t make or agree to any verbal or off-ROWW extension arrangements with your guest.

Process all trip modifications through ROWW. Other arrangements are not valid and may result in a penalty fee.

If your vehicle is unavailable for extensions, message the guest to tell them they’ll be charged for the additional usage. Here’s an example of a message you can send: “Dear < Guest Name> , I’d like to give you a heads up that I’ll be submitting a charge for additional usage if you keep/since you kept the vehicle past the scheduled end of your trip.”

Then at least 30 minutes but no more than 24 hours after the scheduled end of the trip, report the late return and request an additional usage charge. Only report legitimate late returns. Misreporting could result in a 200 SAR penalty fee or other penalties.

You can charge the following amounts for additional usage:

  • 0-29 minutes late: No charge
  • 30 minutes to 1 hour 59 minutes late: ½ the average daily trip price; 200 SAR improper return fee at ROWW’s discretion*
  • 2 hours or more late: Average daily trip price for 1 day + 75 SAR late return fee; 200 SAR improper return fee at ROWW’s discretion*

*Improper return fee may be charged if the guest is unresponsive, abandons the vehicle, causes a trip cancelation, or other reasons determined by ROWW.

Paying for fuel

Replacing the fuel and recharging the battery

You’re responsible for returning the car with the same amount of gas or electric charge it had when you picked it up. If you booked a trip in a hybrid vehicle, remember to replace both the fuel and electric charge to the pre-trip levels. To document that you’ve replaced the fuel, take and upload pictures to Trip photos. We’ll reference them in case of a dispute with your host. Take photos of:

  • the fuel gauge before you start your trip
  • the fuel gauge when you return the car
  • a fuel receipt(s) that shows date, time, number of gallons, and total cost

Paying for missing fuel or low battery charge

If you don’t replace the gas, your host can invoice you for the cost to replace the missing fuel plus a 35 SAR convenience fee. If you don’t fully recharge an electric vehicle, your host can charge you 35 SAR–180 SAR, depending on the charge level. See the Battery level refueling costs below. If you left the car plugged in at a charging station, you’re responsible for those costs up to 24 hours after the trip ends.

Battery level refueling costs

  • 0%–20% charge = 180 SAR
  • 21%–50% charge = 75 SAR
  • 51%–80% charge = 35 SAR
  • 81%–100% charge = Not eligible for refueling reimbursement

Hosts have 72 hours after a trip ends to send you a reimbursement invoice for fuel costs. If they do, we’ll notify you via email and display a notification in your ROWW activity feed. You have 48 hours to pay or dispute the invoice. Click on the link in the email or notification or open Trip details for the trip in question to view the invoice. Then tap “Accept and pay” or “Dispute.”

Authorization clause

The authorization granted to a guest through the app from Moroor, is valid so long as the contract and ROWW’s policies, including the terms of service, are being honored. If the terms of service, ROWW’s policies, the contract, local and national laws, and any agreements made through the app between ROWW, the guest, and the host, are not met, then this authorization would be void.

Extending or shortening your trip

How do I extend or shorten my trip?

If you want to change the start or end time of your trip to keep the car longer or return it sooner, you must submit a request via ROWW before the trip starts or while it’s in progress. You’ll be unable to submit via the system once the trip has ended. A trip change is only valid if you make the request through ROWW and your host approves it. If you extend your trip without approval via the ROWW system, we may charge you a late return fee. If you make an unapproved early return, we’ll be unable to refund you for any unused trip time. And you’ll still be responsible for any parking tickets, traffic violations, or tow charges the car receives at any time, so long as the violation occurred during the scheduled trip start and end time.

  1. Log onto or to the ROWW mobile app.
  2. Open your Trips tab.
  3. Click or tap “Booked.”
  4. Select the trip you’d like to change.
  5. Select the “Change trip” button at the top right of the screen.
  6. Choose “Change trip length.”
  7. Enter your new start or end time and write a message to your host.
  8. Submit your request.

What happens after I submit my trip change request?

Once you submit a request to extend or shorten your trip, we’ll notify your host. How far in advance you submit the request determines how much time your host has to respond. They’ll have up to 8 hours unless you’ve made a last-minute request that doesn’t allow that much time. If that’s the case, they’ll have up until the scheduled trip start or end time to respond. If the host approves your request, we’ll notify you, record the change in ROWW, and charge any balance due or process any refund. If they don’t respond or deny your request, you must begin and end the trip at the booked times.

How does an extension affect my trip cost?

The cost of extending depends on the length of the extension and on your host’s pricing. Some things to note:

  • A host may charge different prices for different days, which might impact the cost of your extension.
  • If there’s an added cost for extending your trip, we’ll display it as a separate line item before you submit your request.
  • If your host offers duration discounts and you extend for an additional 3+, 7+, or 30+ days, we’ll apply the current, corresponding discount to the trip price* for the added days.
  • If you’ve paid for delivery and extend a trip so that it reaches the number of days for which the host offers free delivery, you will not be eligible for a refund of your delivery fee.

*Trip price is the sum of the daily price for each day that the vehicle is booked.

Do I get money back if I end a trip early?

If you shorten a trip for which you received a duration discount and the trip then falls below the discount threshold, you may owe an additional amount. We’ll compute the new discount, if any, using the current discount in place at the time of the change request. If there’s a balance due, we’ll display it as a separate line item before you submit your request. If your host accepts, we’ll charge you the balance due. If your early return results in a refund, we’ll notify you when your host accepts the change and refund you for the trip’s unused time. If we charged you a trip deposit, we’ll refund that deposit 80 hours after the new trip end time, as long as your host doesn’t report any issues or damage. If you return the car early without an approved request, we won’t be able to refund you. If you need to end your trip early because of a mechanical or vehicle issue, contact

Why can’t I extend my trip?

You may be unable to extend your trip for any of the following reasons:

  • You have insufficient funds
  • The vehicle is unavailable because another guest has booked a trip or the host needs it
  • The host does not respond to the request
  • The host denies the request

Early check-in/checkout via the app

If you and your host are ready to start or end the trip a little early, you can do so without processing a trip change. This is an exception to the instructions above and can only be done via the ROWW mobile app. You can complete the in-app check-in flow an hour before the trip start time for early pickup. You can complete in-app checkout three hours before the trip end time for an early return. You and your host must communicate about and agree to the change in ROWW messaging. ROWW doesn’t charge or credit hosts or guests for early pickups or returns arranged via the app.